Dialgo Personal Call Center 2.5
Answering Machine for scripting your own professional call center business scripts using a voice modem. Features Caller-ID, Wave Playback…
Lingo Vocabulary Trainer 1.0
Lingo is an intuitive vocabulary trainer that makes it easy to memorize foreign words. With Lingo you can practice words until you know…
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Home > Alias wavefront software

ABC-EDUCA Startpage Creator 03
Creates a nice HTML-page from your IE bookmarks/favorites. Put your bookmarks into maps and you'll have a startpage-look-a-like…
TZ Privacy Guard
TZ Privacy Gaurd lets you encrypt and lock your IE favorites and history folders. Your History, favorite's folders and private information…
Windows XP Themes 2.0c
Tired of your boring Windows 95, 98 or NT look? Want to bringexcitement to your computer. Download Windows XP Themeupdater and make your…

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